The basic idea of Kennen is to create a framework for Image Content Creation that can expand into software applications for Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Graphics User Interface, Animation Motion Pictures and more. Kennen offers a high quality Image creation with significantly less file size of the Image. The basic science behind Kennen Image Content Programming is to create images based on Tensor Calculus. Tensor Calculus being the fundemental stone of Kennen offers a software development framework for a very advanced future in both software and hardware industry. Kennen is designed to be scalable for future technologies, modular across different domains of software and scientific computational applications. The first deliverable of Kennen is going to be image synthesis for space exploration which can be used as a software application for Virtual Reality hardware products. The idealogy of Kennen is to empower the creators across the globe in different domains in making the world a better place to live by enhancing the quality of life on earth. Kennen is always positive in welcoming like minded people to the team and looks forward to collaborating with oraganizations and teams motivated to make a positive impact on the life on earth. Kennen is open to give backend support to the companies in customizing the image synthesis technology of the company by incorporating the science of kennen into the company's image synthesis technology. Please do contact the team at Kennen for teaming up or for buying Kennen products

Our Services
499 Indian rupees1 hr
499 Indian rupees40 min
49 Indian rupees